Idaho Outdoors presents the interactive Idaho Mining Claims Map.

Please note: You will have to zoom in to see the partially transparent Mining Claim layers.
So are you looking for a mining claim. Are you trying to stay off established mining claims? Or maybe you are just looking for the Gold Prospectors Association of America gold claims located in Idaho. If so you have come to the right place. Idaho Outdoors has compiled the map data for all of the Idaho gold claims, active Idaho claim areas, and the GPAA claims located in Idaho. We have placed this data in one Idaho Mining Claims Map for your viewing pleasure.

Through the use of maps we find new places to explore, and new things do. Please look for more useful maps on our website in the future. This map created by James M. Lewis at J.H. Enterprises/
To use the Legend please hit the arrow in the top left corner. The legend lists the different types Idaho mining claims that are shown on the Idaho mining claims map. GPAA: Stands for Gold Prospector Association of America gold claims. Active Claim Areas: Stands for areas that are on existing gold claims that are actively mined. The rest of the gold claims listed in Idaho are listed by county and they are all the same color.
Whether you need the map legend or not we thought it prudent to give you a little explanation of the map Legend on our Idaho mining claims map.
You can zoom in and out of the map with the plus and minus in the top left. Use the left click and hold to drag the map to different areas of Idaho.
Base Maps
You can select different base maps in the lower left corner. We have included the topographic base map as an alternative to the earth imagery the map was setup with.
We have provided a search bar so you can search anywhere with in the extents of the map. This means you can search for items or addresses with in the boundaries of Idaho.
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